
There is a sharp growth in the number of specialists, due to the increment in the demand for tech experts. A lot of people are now going into the IT industry. Some of these are people leaving their previous professions for a career in IT. This transition has been made easier with the numerous specialized and crash courses that ate being offered by the tech companies.

Ukrainian IT Companies Battling for Best Employer Bragging Rights

Over 2,000 IT firms in Ukraine render IT services to foreign clients. The remaining perform wither as Global In-house centres or as autonomous entities with their own products.

These companies have different methods of luring, employing and keeping their good workers. Some companies make use of practices which involve giving out various bonuses and incentives to their workers while others are more focused on mentoring and guiding the employees. Because there is a high demand for experts, the companies are also competing among themselves for the prestige of who has the most talented pool of workers.

The Most Vibrant IT Hubs in Ukraine Are in Kyiv and Lviv

IT is the real deal in these two cities with the majority of the tech experts in Ukraine concentrated there. Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine hosts nothing less than a thousand startups and product companies. It is the birthplace of companies like TerraSoft, MacPaw, Grammarly, etc.

Java Is the Most Popular Programming Language in Ukraine

There are a lot of programming languages being used in Ukraine but Java is the most widely used among them all, although its market share has reduced marginally. The use of C# is waning while Python is becoming more popular with an increase in demand for Python experts.

Ukrainian Universities Launched Innovative Tech Programs

Numerous programs were launched by Ukrainian tertiary institutions in conjunction with the IT clusters. Programs such as Cyber security and Robotics were set up in Lviv Polytechnic, which also opened four innovation labs to develop AI, Machine Learning, Data Science, and so on.

Ukrainian Software Development Industry: Prospects for 2019 and Beyond

1.) Ukrainian IT Industry to Grow by 30%

The IT industry in Ukraine grows at a rate that is higher than the average global growth rate of IT. It is estimated that the industry will grow by between 25-30%. IT experts in the country will be more than 200,000 by 2020. It is expected that the industry will continue to wax stronger in the years to come.

2.) Ukrainian Government Will Support the Development of the IT Industry

The government of Ukraine is totally committed to enhancing the IT industry. In the past years, the government has enacted several regulations geared towards improving the sector. This will not slow down and their late plans lined up already, which will take the sector to the next level.

3.) Ukrainian Developers Will Rather Remain at Home, While Many Who Have Left Will Return

In the last few years, increasingly fewer number of tech experts now emigrate from Ukraine. More of those who left before are expected to return die to the low cost of living in Ukraine and the availability of top-notch companies.


The IT sector in Ukraine is among the highest growing sectors in the country and, going by the antecedent set in the previous years, it is certain that there will be a surge in the number of native firms and programmers.