
To stay competitive, outsourcing firms need to stay ahead of trends. By doing this, they can stay prepared for client needs before the client develops the need, offering solutions and value at every turn. We have examined the top trends to take advantage of before they dominate 2022.

1. Cloud Computing

Instead of having bulky servers taking up valuable space in their building, more companies are opting for a network of servers hosted on the internet. These store, manage, and process their data. These are things like iCloud, Google Drive, or Dropbox. 87% of employers are speeding up cloud migration as more people get excited about working from home.

2. Blockchain Services

Blockchain is a technology that allows businesses to create secure cloud-based applications. Outsourcing this process to a blockchain service means a company can have an application created specifically for their needs and use that is secure and customized.

3. Artificial Intelligence

AI is growing daily, getting closer to the goal of being as intelligent as humans. As the capabilities of AI expand, so does the need for firms that specialize in the creation, upkeep, and customization of AI. Digital personal assistants are one example of how AI can be customized to work in a specific way that changes the entire manner in which we work. There will be an increase in demand for AI soon, as more companies realize the financial advantages it represents.

4. Machine Learning Automation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has already been predicted to change the way our entire world works. Machine learning is a branch of AI that can help streamline operations in outsourcing, improving the quality of services. It does this through the identification and resolution of issues. Machine learning can also cut down on costs and improve productivity.

5. Cybersecurity Specialists

With more businesses moving to cloud-based services, the need for security for those services grows in turn. This will quickly become an area of specialization as more information moves into vulnerable areas. Rather than hiring in-house security specialists, companies will choose to hire firms that specialize in protecting information.

6. Remote Work

Before 2020, many people saw “remote work” as a strange profession that was done by people in movies, and wasn’t a viable option for them. Then, when the world changed and employers had to adapt, working from home or remote suddenly became a viable option. People saw the increased flexibility and productivity it gave them, and have now started to actively seek remote work opportunities. Employers may also see the potential benefits of not having to pay for a brick and mortar building and the employee engagement that comes from accommodating employees who request work from home options.

This means that as more people work remotely, the need for software that facilitates communication, information storage, cybersecurity and more will increase. Outsourcing firms can take advantage of this by targeting the areas this boom in remote work will affect.

7. Outsourcing in Eastern Europe

As more companies turn to outsourcing as a solution for new programming needs, the outsourcing market in Eastern Europe will be able to grow its share of that market as they expand. Eastern European countries are looking more attractive for outsourcing than ever before, largely due to the lower labour costs, high quality of labour thanks to high-quality education, and well-developed infrastructure.

8. The Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is growing at an exponential rate, with a predicted additional 15.37 billion devices being connected by 2030. As more devices are connected, creating a larger hive of devices and expanding the IoT, more industries and companies will want to capitalize on the power this interconnectedness offers. Outsourcing firms can help by offering services that customize and maintain a company’s access and use of the IoT.

9. Robotics

Robotics is already widely seen in the industrial setting, frequently in jobs such as automobile manufacturing. They can easily be programmed to carry out simple tasks, but as technology advances, so do their applications. Transcription and data entry are two services robotics can easily take over from humans, freeing up their time and resources such as strategy development or decision making. As businesses look for new and innovative ways to reduce costs and increase proficiency, providers will increase their robotic capabilities.

Future Trends Have Already Started

Advances in AI, cloud computing, and robotics capabilities have been steadily growing, making the technology more user-friendly and accessible. As this trend continues, more companies will want to leverage their abilities for their business. IT outsourcing firms will find great success